Who Can Join?
We invite current CCs (CTMs) and above to join. Those who are truly interested in the issues, topics and goals we
have set to focus on this year will enjoy each seminar held during our meetings. Members must be able to dedicate enough time
to participate and make a difference in the club, district and organization.
Benefits of Joining
There are several benefits to becoming a member of District Pacesetters.
Our members develop close friendships. We have a great time when we get together. Of course we also have a
common interest, which is Toastmasters. We provide challenging club meetings.
We offer excellent opportunities for developing leadership skills.
We care about each other!
How Can You Join?
To join, we need a completed application and membership dues for the applicable period of membership.
Ongoing dues are paid in 6 month increments. In most clubs, officers are elected every 6 months but our officers are
elected for 1 year. We encourage our members to take on the leadership offices of the club to develop their management
skills and to promote new concepts, ideas and programs for club growth.
Please contact us for more information and a copy of the application.